hello welcone to my blog

february update


bluhhh let's make this quick. i've updated the homepage to remove the gallery page for now and replace it with a music page. which is unfinished.

to be honest i forgot how to do the black box with purple outline i use on the rest of my site, and i'm too lazy to re-learn it... so the music page, and gallery page, and the other pages i have wip are probably going to stay how they are for a while... until i find motivation to mess with this site again... honestly the css is a mess. i just keep copying the css and modifying it as needed whenever i need a new page instead of using a global one...

as for personal updates? i'd rather not talk about it... honestly this whole blog idea was kind of weird in the first place. the idea that my friends could actually check this page and read what i say if i mention them weirds me out. but as far as i know only one person has checked this page, and they did it on accident. anyways my point is that maybe i'll hide this whole blog section away one day, or at least make it harder to find... i mostly just use it to ramble to myself anyways... it's more like a journal in that sense... except i only use it once a month and half of it pertains to this site...

i dunno. i think i'm out of things to say now. see you in the next blog post, probably.


january update


time for another blog page, mostly because last year's are old and embarassing now...

i think i said i would stop posting on this page, but about once a month i get the urge to anyways... figures...

anyways... bla bla bla, art page still needs to be updated, bla bla bla... but as of writing this i'm remembering my real goal with this website is to make it feel like a labyrinth... hopefully i will remember that and work towards achieving it sometime soon... i don't have much better to do...

thinking of this site again has also made me realize something else. i've forgotten what it feels like to be an artist. the past few months, or maybe even the past year, i've just been drifting away from it... the idea of myself as an artist... the idea of myself being able to make something that really means something to someone... i just don't know if i believe in myself anymore. maybe it was dumb to believe in myself in the first place. i dunno. i guess only time will tell...


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