hello welcone to my blog

january update


time for another blog page, mostly because last year's are old and embarassing now...

i think i said i would stop posting on this page, but about once a month i get the urge to anyways... figures...

anyways... bla bla bla, art page still needs to be updated, bla bla bla... but as of writing this i'm remembering my real goal with this website is to make it feel like a labyrinth... hopefully i will remember that and work towards achieving it sometime soon... i don't have much better to do...

thinking of this site again has also made me realize something else. i've forgotten what it feels like to be an artist. the past few months, or maybe even the past year, i've just been drifting away from it... the idea of myself as an artist... the idea of myself being able to make something that really means something to someone... i just don't know if i believe in myself anymore. maybe it was dumb to believe in myself in the first place. i dunno. i guess only time will tell...


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